WIEBKEMBG 11/09/2012 Fashion I watch the skyline, light up every evening Jacket-Zara ‚ Bag-Primark ‚ Pants, Shirt-H&M ‚ Heels-Deichmann ‚ Rings-Primark, H&M, Present ‚ Bracelets-Fossil, Primark, Vintage ‚ XO WMBG Folgen: You may also like:A Perfect Blend of Luxury, Sport, and …
Em Sheldon 12/09/2012 / 6:43 PM wow, love your bag. cant believe its from primark.Gorgeous girl. http://www.adayinthelifeofems.blogspot.com xxxx
eny 12/09/2012 / 6:22 PM Amazing outfit!!!!! Would you like to follow each other?!! :) http://eny-style.blogspot.com
Eeva Kallas 12/09/2012 / 4:19 PM Gorgeous outfit!<3 Would you like to follow each other? Now following you<3 xoxo Eevahttp://eeva-theapple.blogspot.fi/
AmericaLettuce 12/09/2012 / 3:40 PM Those are LOVELY accesories! and the jacket oh! MUAA! perfect. http://lettuceforyou.blogspot.com/
modern Suburbanites 11/09/2012 / 2:27 PM LOVE that Zara jacket! http://www.modernsuburbanites.blogspot.com
kurtka wojskowa, to hit, ja też chcę taką mieć :P
That's nice!!
Great outfit, love your "army" jacket!
Big kisses :)
Follow back please? :D
thank you very very very much!
likee your blog!!
keep posting and go for it!
wow, love your bag. cant believe its from primark.
Gorgeous girl.
Amazing outfit!!!!!
Would you like to follow each other?!! :)
echt klasse Bilder!
die jacke gefällt mir :)
Gorgeous outfit!<3 Would you like to follow each other? Now following you<3
xoxo Eeva
Those are LOVELY accesories! and the jacket oh! MUAA! perfect.
LOVE that Zara jacket!