WIEBKEMBG 24/11/2013 Fashion JAVIER REYES @MBFDZ The awesome collection made by Javier Reyes at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Days Zurich. X WMBG My blog is now on facebook, please have a look at! Instagram//Lookbook//Facebook//Kleiderkreisel Folgen: You may also like:A Perfect Blend of Luxury, Sport, and …
Helen* 25/11/2013 / 9:15 PM Hey lovely, just came across your blog and it's great! Lovely collection of clothes! I'm your newest follower and looking forward to your next post! :) xoxoxoxo http://electricsunrise.blogspot.co.uk/
Hey lovely, just came across your blog and it's great! Lovely collection of clothes!
I'm your newest follower and looking forward to your next post! :)