WIEBKEMBG 07/09/2012 Fashion Destination Wearing: Top, Shorts, Heels, Belt-H&M; Bracelets-Primark; Rings-Primark, H&M; XO, WMBG Folgen: You may also like:A Perfect Blend of Luxury, Sport, and …
Dascha 10/09/2012 / 6:55 PM You look great, andyou have a great style! I follow you, hope you follow me back! xoxohttp://www.its-dash.blogspot.nl/
Lucia 10/09/2012 / 3:50 PM Your blog contains a lot of different styles, love that! http://www.herehasstylebegun.blogspot.nl
Annia 09/09/2012 / 11:21 PM Hello!I love your blog!I just found it! I made a blog a couple of months ago too.I would really appreciate it if you could check it out and follow if you like it!Thank you!!! http://newfashionorder.blogspot.com/
Katie Frank 09/09/2012 / 3:46 PM Oh wow, this outfit is so so amazing ! <3 I love this top! It's awesome <3 Would you like to follow each other?http://coeursdefoxes.blogspot.com/http://www.facebook.com/CoeursDeFoxes
Christine ♥ 09/09/2012 / 2:05 AM gorgeous outfit, i love the top alot! you look amazing :)i really love your blog, can't wait to read more posts from you <3 XO
circleofchaos 08/09/2012 / 9:05 PM Danke,für dein Kommi.^^Dein Outfit gefällt mir total.Vielleicht hast du ja Lust auf gegenseitiges folgen bei bloglovin und gfc???Liebe Grüße Nessa
Eeva Kallas 08/09/2012 / 4:03 PM Such a cute look, I adore your top with the bow<3 xoxo Eevaeeva-theapple.blogspot.fi
beautiful top, love it! <3
Cute shirt!
You look great, and
you have a great style!
I follow you, hope you follow me back!
Your blog contains a lot of different styles, love that!
I love your blog!
I just found it!
I made a blog a couple of months ago too.
I would really appreciate it if you could check it out and follow if you like it!
Thank you!!!
Oh wow, this outfit is so so amazing ! <3 I love this top! It's awesome <3 Would you like to follow each other?
thanks! following xx
gorgeous outfit, i love the top alot! you look amazing :)
i really love your blog, can't wait to read more posts from you <3 XO
Danke,für dein Kommi.^^
Dein Outfit gefällt mir total.
Vielleicht hast du ja Lust auf gegenseitiges folgen bei bloglovin und gfc???
Liebe Grüße Nessa
Such a cute look, I adore your top with the bow<3
xoxo Eeva
Das Top ist total schön! Würde mir auch gefallen. xoxo ♥